Our Mission.

To help guide people with the organization, optimization and management of their personal financial lives as well as working with them to create thoughtful, customized savings and investment portfolios.

Every day, in America:

Babies are born

People move to the U.S.

Couples get married

When life creates change,
Anglia Advisors is here to help.

What We Do.

We provide affordable, expert personal finance and investment advice to individuals, couples and families, regardless of asset level. We promise to always act in your best interests and be fully transparent.


Sign up for Angles, my free weekly newsletter that informs and educates on current news and developments in world of investments and personal finance.

We specialize in working with ..

Younger Professionals

Suddenly Single Individuals

Foreign Nationals Living in the U.S.

Younger Couples

Younger Families

Personal Finance Education


Clarity + Single Focus

Completely independent, our fee-for-service hourly model takes no sales commissions, kickbacks or compensation of any kind from any third party for making any sales or recommendations. Our compensation comes exclusively from our clients to whom we provide real and unique value.

We are therefore able to provide unconflicted, evidence-based clarity in all aspects of personal finance and investing that empowers our clients to take control of their financial futures and navigate the inevitable uncertainty and tradeoffs that life throws at them.

Areas of Expertise.


Per-Hour Financial Planning.

As much affordable personal finance advice as you need. And only what you need. Retain control.


Single Sessions.

The kickstart you need. Bite-sized access to qualified personal finance and investment experience.


Professional Portfolio Management.

Affordable high-quality asset management. Available to all. No minimums.


Suddenly Single.

Coming out of divorce or unexpected widowhood, your whole financial world can be turned upside down. We can help.


Foreign National Consultation.

Welcome to America. Now here's what you need to know.


Presentations & Workshops.

Simon can present to your organization.

Anglia Advisors is a New York-based Registered Investment Advisor that offers fiduciary fee-only personal finance consulting services and optional professional asset management to anyone, regardless of asset level.

Schedule a complimentary
Discovery Call with Simon.